
PRESS RELEASE 26/06/2007

Governor of Colima offered a dinner to volleyball authorities


COLIMA, Mexico.- The Governor of the State of Colima, Mr. Jesus Silverio Cavazos Ceballos received all the members of the Control Committee of the Women’s Pan American Cup on the occasion of a dinner at the Official Governor’s House.


Mr. Cristobal Marte Hoffiz, President of NORCECA and Mr. Rafael Lloreda, Vice President of the South American Confederation, thanked Mr. Cavazos for the hospitality that he, along with other authorities of the city of Colima, has given to all the participants in the Sixth Women’s Pan American Cup.


The officials from both volleyball confederations received presents related with the history of Colima courtesy of the Governor Cavazos.


The city of Colima has been declared by the Mexican Federation as the 2007 Capital of Mexican Volleyball.

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